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Origins of the Oval

This is not how things end, its how things begin.

• Suddenly someone realizes they were chosen by loneliness (The Lonely One) because they will lead a life of seeking others-- not just faces, but really -finding- them, recognizing them where they are

• The lonely ogre (a.k.a. the cyclops) suddenly realizes he's never spoken to anyone, can't even be sure if anyone is real-- KerBop is the first person he's ever talked to

• FeyVi has forgotten who she herself is. She relies completely on this notebook which contains reminders of confidence, how to be productive, how to be creative, how to be awesome... The notebook vanishes, and she is utterly lost. Someone gives her massive energy medicine in its absence, in order to finish a project she doesn't know how to do anymore. She finishes the project but it feels hollow, meaningless. They accept it anyway.

• The play is put on. This is a world in which you can only be one of 4 categories. If you don't fit into one of these categories, you are considered "lost" and must find your way back. The play is about a person who has started to doubt that her category fully describes her, and the people around her start to repeat mantras to get her on the right track

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