The Inner Mask Oracle is a journey of one mind through many, a divination tool and a fictional account of the wanderings of the Inner Mask through subconscious worlds.
It is available as a 68-card oracle deck featuring the meanings of the cards and more details on the Inner Mask's experiences in MaskWorld.

“The Inner Mask speaks to you on multiple levels unearthing treasures from the subconscious with creativity and conversation. An intriguing deck, well worth exploring!”
-Melody Often
“I'm overcome with the wisdom and depth of it.”
-Bard Baitman


The Images
Each card is heavily illustrated with provocative dream-like imagery and surreal situations, and each card is accompanied by a deep mythos comprising the fictional journey of the Inner Mask, and the philosophical underpinnings of the card. The four suits of the Tarot of the Inner Mask are all influencers on the self: Masks (transformation) Mirrors (recognition) Shadows (non-recognition) and Veils (occlusion). The cards and their meanings are a starting place: the circuit is completed by the reader's experiences, import and interpretation.

The Characters
This oracle deck follows the journey of a creature called the Inner Mask (it/its) who wanders through realms of the subconscious.
Another "character" in this deck includes the Empty Moon (it/its & sometimes she/her) who usually can be found in a realm even deeper than the plane inhabited by the Inner Mask. The Empty Moon can be said to symbolize the shadow self, calling out to the other regions of the conscious mind to be known.

Mirror Reflections
At its base, the Inner Mask Oracle is a series of images, drawn from a storm of thoughts concerning the self: its creation, its discovery, its destruction, its division and wholeness. This line of thinking flows down routes of psychology, philosophy, sociology, history, spirituality, and magic. The Inner Mask represents a being in inquisition with itself; looking back, looking in. These images have assembled themselves in a form, the form asks to be a deck of cards. As a deck, it offers a narrative that is randomizable, recombinable, up to the reader to assemble into meaning.
The Temple of Knowledge