Publications & Downloadables
The publications and downloadable content below include zines, art books, and other readings I've compiled for those going through spiritual expansion. More are available on my Gumroad Page.
The Utopian Futhark Book of Rune Meanings
For anyone learning the Runes or interested in the Runes, I have compiled this book as my own poetic response and the understanding I've built over my years of studying the Runes since I was 14. This is also available in printed version on my Etsy.​
The Inner Mask Oracle - Complete Manual of Meanings
Just under 200 pages. This includes the meanings of all the cards and also the "science fiction" back-stories behind the cards. Currently available as digital PDF. ​
Go Forth - Create Without Fear
A fully illustrated art book, created with pencil and watercolor, inspired by a dream in which an alien explained to me that now is the time for all artists to create without fear. Contains all my thoughts about art-making as I've developed them over the course of my spiritual awakening. This book is also available in printed form on my Etsy.​
​More available on my Gumroad​