Oracle Decks

The Inner Mask Oracle
Art produced between 2004 and 2018, the Inner Mask Oracle Deck is a dark themed, gray-scale deck geared towards shadow work. An in-depth manual is available for digital download, and the deck itself (with a mini-manual included) is available on The Game Crafter. More info on www.theinnermask.com

The Radiant Souls Oracle Deck
"Radiant Souls" is a vibrantly colorful, 36-card square deck created in 2021. This deck is designed to help you access your ultimate, realized self (your radiance) by helping you see the direction in which you are moving, the bigger picture, and the way through blocks and confusion. This deck is available on my GameCrafter page, and also on my Etsy shop.

The Utopian Futhark Rune Deck
I studied the Nordic Runes before I ever studied Tarot. In 2019 I started creating a deck that would help people learn the Runes, and express my understanding of them. These cards are round, and the art is all digital collage. It comes with a booklet of meanings written by myself (which is also available for download), and the deck + printed book are available both on my GameCrafter shop and my Etsy shop.