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A Fantasy Sci-Fi webcomic about chaos, monsters and space
The Inner Mask


The Inner Mask project started out as a Tarot deck (The Tarot of the Inner Mask). However, I have come to see it's actually an Oracle deck- because it goes down a struture all its own. The theme and topic of this deck is the search for self and identity.


What is the Inner Mask?

The Inner Mask is the main character of an art series of the same name. This creature's primary obsession is to find out about itself, its own nature and reason for being, and it wanders in a landscape of strange entities in search of self-knowledge.

Just as Tarot decks are divided into four “suits” (in the case of Tarot: Cups, Coins, Swords and Wands) the Oracle of the Inner Mask is divided into 4 suits which frame our journey to understanding the self: Masks, Shadows, Mirrors, and Avatars.


• Masks- The self in a sacred or spiritual context

• Shadows- The self in a psychological or mental context

• Mirrors- The self in a social and public context

• Avatars- The self in technology


Is the deck in print form?

Not yet, I need to finish the book first. 


Can I Experience or Preview this Deck?

Yes- currently this website has all the info:

I also have an instagram account just for the Inner Mask. 

The Inner Mask as illustrated by Kathleen Kralowec, the Inner Mask sits at the base of the Temple of Knowledge, "Know Thyself" written at the top
Illustration by Kathleen Kralowec - the Empty Moon sits in the form of a woman, regarding her Other Self far away in the mirror and the window
The Empty Moon symbolizes the subconscious of Freud or the Shadow Self of Jung- a self that is hidden and suppressed, longing to be known
The Monster, illustrated by Kathleen Kralowec, portrays a mermaid in a dress paradoxically perched on a ladder, regarding its Cthulu-like hideousness in a mirror, while a dragon, perhaps her captor, looks on, this image represents inner hatred and self-rejection, surface beauty, war with the self
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